How It Works

Normal Jobs

When creating a service request, you have the option to select "Normal" or "Bid". If you select "Normal", your job will be sent to nearby service providers who meet the requirements for the job and the first service provider to accept the job gets it. When a service provider accepts a job, they are accepting that they understand the requirements of the job and can perform it at the specific date and time without any issues. Before accepting a job, service providers have the ability to chat with customers in case they have questions about the job, price or materials. We provide price recommendations but your service request may cost a lot more if your requirements require more time, raw materials or other resources.

Bid Jobs

For "Bid" service requests, you will receive bids from multiple nearby service providers and can select one of the bids based on price, ratings or reviews of the service provider. Before bidding on a job, service providers have the ability to chat with customers in case they have questions about the job, price or materials. We provide price recommendations but your service request may cost a lot more if your requirements require more time, raw materials or other resources.

Canceling Jobs

You can cancel a job before a service provider accepts it or before selecting a service provider with a winning bid. If you cancel a job while it is in-progress, you will be charged 50% of the job’s cost. Instead of canceling your job, we recommend you contact the service provider to reschedule for a date and time that works for you. You will not be charged until the job is completed.

Communicating With a Service Provider

The service provider will communicate any price changes to you before they accept the job. Once the job is accepted, you still have the option to update the price in the case that the scope of the job changes. Our terms of service that you do not communicate any critical information (price changes, job scope change, location change etc.) related to the job outside of the MyButla platform - if you do, we will not have the information we need to provide support if anything goes wrong with the job.

Reviews and Ratings

On MyButla, rating is a two-way street. Once a job is completed, the service provider can provide both private and public ratings for you and you can also do the same. This is a critical part of the platform to ensure that both customers and service providers are having a great experience on MyButla.

Contacting Customer Support

If you have any questions about our products and services or need to reach a customer support agent, please contact us via email, phone, or chat with us using the chat option at the bottom right of this page.

Using Alexa to Request for Services

You will need to add "MyButler" to your Alexa Skills. Once that is done, you can say “Alexa, launch My Butler" and answer the prompt questions or you can use a single statement like “Alexa, ask my butler to find me a {profession} that can {service} on {date} at {time} for {duration}”. For example, “Alexa, ask my butler to find me a {cleaner} that can {clean my short-term rental property} {today} at {4pm} for {2 hours}”. Alexa jobs can only be used for jobs that are very urgent and don’t need bidding. Alexa jobs are based on pricing range that we have specified on our pricing page. Once the job is accepted, you can only increase the price and not reduce the price.

Butler Services

For more information on our Butler Services, sign up here